
Teach Abroad Blog

Teaching abroad

Why Do You Travel?

Why Do You Travel?

Everyone has different travel goals. What are yours? To meet new people? To immerse yourself in a new culture?

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How to Do an Online Teaching Demo

How to Do an Online Teaching Demo

Oh, the dreaded online teaching demonstration. You’re probably thinking to yourself, “This is so awkward! Why do I have to do this?” Well, the school wants to get to know you a little better as an educator, so a teaching demonstration is a good way for them to get a sense of your personality, teaching style, ability to lesson plan, and professionalism. These are all things that are important when teaching ESL abroad. If you’re an old pro at teaching demos, an online teaching demo is not that different from an in-person one. As a rule, your video should be professional, polished, and not bore the person watching it to tears.

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Living Abroad

Teaching Abroad with a Family

Teaching Abroad with a Family

Is it possible to move abroad with your children?The short answer: YES, but…There’s already a lot to consider when moving abroad as a solo traveler looking for a new adventure, but throw a family in the mix and things can get even more complicated. However, this shouldn’t scare you away from living your dream of packing up and moving to a new country to teach – there are SO many perks to being exposed to new cultures, languages, environments – but there are certainly some things you should be aware of before you hit the application stage.We’ve compiled a list of things to think about when considering such a big move with your family in tow!

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What to do when you have a two-month holiday?

What to do when you have a two-month holiday?

Very few get to enjoy the long summer break that educators have. This holiday presents wonderful opportunities to do activities that would otherwise be difficult if one only had a week off. While many educators are now enjoying their well deserved break, why not consider some of the various suggestions below before you head back to the classroom in a few weeks.

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