
Teach Abroad Blog

Teaching abroad

One Step Past Traveling

One Step Past Traveling

We’ve all heard it before— the best way to experience a new country is to live there rather than just to visit. But there’s truth behind the cliche. There is something different about living somewhere out of your comfort zone, whether that’s a few months or a few years, and there are lots of opportunities to do so. Everyone should get this chance, and one of the easiest ways to do it is to get a job overseas, such as volunteering, internships, tourism, start-up businesses. Often recent college graduates turn to teaching positions; while it is one of the most common routes, it is always in high demand. Teaching Nomad opens a whole new world to those who are looking to teach something other than English to kids (though this is a fantastic way to get involved and make a difference!). International schools for expats, local private schools, even adult education centers all look for competent teachers in a variety of fields.

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5 Ways the Chinese do Christmas slightly differently

5 Ways the Chinese do Christmas slightly differently

Shen Dan Lao Ren‘ is coming to town. Christmas is a wonderful celebratory time of year, however in mainland China it is not even a public holiday. This explains why twenty years ago you probably wouldn’t have seen any signs of Christmas around here. Merrily, in today’s China you will see, hear and feel the Chinese Christmas spirit almost everywhere around you.

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5 Chinese Ghosts to Watch Out for this October

5 Chinese Ghosts to Watch Out for this October

If you’re not too scared to come out this October, there are a number of events going on in Shanghai from pub quizzes, movie showings, or a big night out in your favourite costume so you can celebrate Halloween in The Middle Kingdom…

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Living Abroad

Top 5 Breakfast Foods in Shanghai

Top 5 Breakfast Foods in Shanghai

One of the best things about the Shanghai food scene is that it’s constantly growing and evolving. New restaurants are opening up every week, each one competing to serve unique foods in over-the-top-settings. While this is exciting, it’s always good to go back to basics and experience the Chinese culture that can so easily get lost in the ever growing metropolitan hype of Shanghai. If you’re looking for cheap, authentic and never-changing grub, the street food of Shanghai is your answer. It’s Simple. It’s Fast. It’s Cheap.

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