Teach Abroad Blog
Teaching abroad
5 Reasons Why You Should Get Your Teaching License
If you are new to teaching, we wouldn’t really suggest looking into any sort of licensure options at this point in your career. However, if you’ve been teaching abroad for some time now and are legitimately considering a long-term career in teaching, here are a few reasons why getting proper licensure will be the best career move you can make.
6 Questions to Consider Before Teaching Abroad in the Middle East
With one of the highest concentrations of international schools, the Middle East is one of the most popular destinations for expat teachers. The culturally diverse area that’s one of the “cradles of civilization” is a wonderful place to work, but there are some questions you should ask before you board the your next Emirates flight. This article deals with some important issues to consider, from the facetious (how hard is it to get a beer) to the more serious questions (how much do I know about religion).
TEFL Lesson Demo: get well prepared!
You made it past the application process and have been selected to conduct a Demo Lesson for a potential employer, now what? Some questions may come to mind such as: What do I teach? How long should my demo be? Who will my student be? Don’t worry, these are all reasonable questions. A demo lesson is a great way to show your potential employer that you’re the right person for the position and build a relationship with the student(s).
Living Abroad
The most popular US universities for Chinese students
The United States remains the most popular destination for Chinese students looking to study abroad. In the 2013-2014 school year over 274,000 Chinese students came to the United States to study, accounting for 31% of the entire international student body that year. A large number of these students come from China’s wealthiest and most powerful families—the daughter of President Xi Jinping, for example, studied under an assumed name at Harvard. While the US remains the uncontested number one destination for Chinese students, the U.K. came in second with a total of 58,810 students commencing their studies in the 2013-2014 school year, compared to 57,190 Chinese students in all other European countries.
The Most Famous Foreigners in China
In many parts of China simply being a foreigner used to earn you some semblance of fame, but as more and more expats are choosing to call China home and high schools around the world are starting to offer Chinese classes, being white and able to speak some Chinese no longaer earns you the celebrity status. Here’s a list of 5 famous “lao wais” and a short description of what they’ve done to accomplish that status.
11 Quick Facts About China
China is one of the biggest countries in the world, and with a population of 1.4 billion people, you’re bound to have some quirks. Here are 11 of the most surprising facts.