
Teach Abroad Blog

Teaching abroad

What did earning my TESOL certification do for me?

What did earning my TESOL certification do for me?

What did earning my TESOL certification do for me?

Before I started my ESL teaching career here in China I had no experience in teaching. For me, and any other teacher who is looking to teach English in China, earning your TESOL certification will be a watershed moment. Not only will you have another “feather in your cap” that will qualify you for more (and better paying) ESL jobs, but you will also have a solid foundation to start (or continue) your career as an ESL teacher.

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Our Teach Abroad Programs

Our Teach Abroad Programs

Here at Teaching Nomad we are dedicated to helping you get set up with your perfect school! We spend countless hours researching different schools, looking over their contracts, scoping out their locations and finding out what benefits they include to ensure that your trip to China will be as enjoyable as possible. Being located here in Shanghai gives us a definite advantage

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How to Become an ESL Teacher

How to Become an ESL Teacher

With an approximate population of over 1.3 billion people and growing, there is an increasing demand for ESL teachers in China. If you’re looking to teach in China, you may be asking yourself many questions. What qualifications are needed? How much experience must I have? What is it like working in China? And ultimately, how do I become an ESL teacher?

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Living Abroad

Living in a Third Tier City

Living in a Third Tier City

To many of us the thought of going to a third tier Chinese city can be pretty daunting. Although, if you’re looking to experience the “real” China there is no other option.

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Medical Facilities

Medical Facilities

Medical care in China is very varied in such a vast country. In major municipalities like Shanghai, there is a wealth of medical care available. Expats should feel secure regarding medical facilities, where there are usually three types of providers: Western-style hospitals and clinics, regular clinics in local hospitals, and VIP clinics in local hospitals.

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Renting an apartment in China

Renting an apartment in China

One of the first questions that many applicants ask when they start thinking about teaching ESL in China is: where am I going to live? Some teaching jobs in China offer housing as part of the compensation package, but some do not. This means that some teachers (usually with the help of their schools) will need to rent an apartment. As China grows and develops, the variety of housing options is multiplying. Part of the fun of teaching abroad in China is figuring out what option is right for you!

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